It's Been a Year!
Yesterday was the site's one year anniversary! July 31st. Thank you so much for reading this post and hanging with me on this experiment. I remember my 1st few shout outs were only written to family. They were my only subscribers!
What all has happened this year????
We currently have 40 subscribers,
115 blog posts not counting this one,
3 page design changes,
19 shout outs.
I took this picture just for this post!
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think of the pic.
P.S. Scroll below the pic for a special look at my very first shout out!
Be The Light
Hey! To get started I would like to apologize for falling a little behind on the website. Thank you for subscribing to the sight! Ok. It is a little weird writing a newsletter to my family!!!! I will try to be better about trying to keep up with the sight. With school starting and everything it is hard. Well, thanks for reading my first puny newsletter!