Testimony Time: Lincee Ray
I first heard about Lincee on an episode of "The Big Boo Cast". I later read both of her books and loved them, which made her an obvious choice for my next interview! The links to both of her books is at the bottom of this post. I've set this blog up a little different than my previous testimonies, and I hope you enjoy!
Julia: Tell me a little bit about your childhood
Lincee: I grew up in a small town in East Texas called Hallsville. My mother grew up there. Her mother grew up there. And her mother grew up there! Needless to say, I was related to everyone in the town practically. I loved living in a small community. Even though we didn't have a lot to do, there was always somewhere to go. One friend's mom always fed us. Another friend had a huge TV with cable! Our house had the pool. I lived there my entire life and rarely left. My first big experience was college when I moved to the big town of Waco! (FYI: Waco is not a big town, but it did have more than one red light.)
Julia: What has been your struggle?
Lincee: My biggest struggle has been my divorce. I was a good person who followed all the rules and attended all church activities any time the doors were open. When my husband cheated on me, I was confused. Why did God allow this to happen to me? With one bad decision on my husband's part, my life took an entirely different path than anything I could have ever imagined. My constant struggle is reminding myself that God is sovereign and He is good. He never promises that we won't have hardships. But we know there's purpose in the pain.
Julia: Can you briefly give me your testimony?
Lincee: Everything went my way and was butterflies and rainbows until I found out my husband had an affair with another woman. They say when your world is rocked in such a dramatic capacity, you either run to the cross or away from it. I'm so thankful that I ran to the cross. Nothing else seemed to matter and the only way I could even imagine coping with the darkness was with Jesus. That's not to say I was instantly over the infidelity. It took me about a decade to feel like my old self. Fortunately the Lord had big plans for me. Through a silly little show and a silly little website, a Bachelor recap of all things catapulted me into a life of writing. As a result, I give God all the glory for the blessings he's poured on me. Never in a million years would I ever believe that I would have an actual book on an actual shelf. Or that I would be standing in front of people, bringing them the word of God on a regular basis.
Julia: What influenced your decision making before Christ?
Lincee: The approval of others and perfection.
Julia: How has Christ changed your life?
Lincee: I think the biggest change has been the knowledge that I have a personal connection to Jesus. Through the Holy Spirit, I can come to Him humbly and worship, study, cry out, and rest in the fact that He is the way. He is the truth. And He is life.
"Why I Hate Green Beans"
"It's A Love Story"