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Leave It All Behind

Over the past few years, I have seen so many people get right with God, and I've watched God free them from their chains. It's amazing! I've also seen so many people get what they need, and then think it's OK to go right back to the place where they entertained those chains. They think they can go hang out with the same people as they did before, in the same environment, and stay free. It doesn't work that way. You can't heal in the same environment you got sick in! When Jesus changes you, what you hang out with should too. If Jesus has freed you from gossip, would it be wise to go hang out with a bunch of people who gossip, and expect it to not influence you at all? Sure, Jesus has set us free from our chains and struggles, but by going back to where we used to be, we are voluntarily picking all of those things right back up, because, "I'm cured!" This is not real life. Everyday is a battle, and the more we hang out with the enemy, the closer we come to loosing the battle. Like the Bible says, "Walk with the wise, and become wise." You CANNOT go back to the same places and expect a different result. The definition of insanity is, "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." Going back to where the old you used to play with the chains that Jesus has freed you from is insane! If you do the same things you have always done, you will be the same place you have always been. That's just the reality of things. We can't give the enemy a foothold! Stay close to Jesus, and people who are living for Him, and you will stay free forever!

"Oh we're free, free

Forever, we're free

Come join the song of all the redeemed

Yes, we're free, free

Forever, amen

When death was arrested and my life began"

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