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Testimony Time: Gary Warden

I know Gary from Redeemed Ministries. He is very humble and selfless.

Gary had a rough childhood. His parents divorced when he was 10. His dad was an alcoholic. There was constant fighting in his home and he became rebellious in school. He knew about God because he went to church with his grandmother. In high-school, he fell away from God. He began recreationally doing drugs and alcohol. When he was 17, he joined the military and remained active for 6 years. March 11th 2011 his dad died and he began doing drugs and drinking more.

He stayed in addiction for 5 years. He went to 3 rehabs before he found Royal Pines. At Royal Pines, his relationship with God got stronger and he began to practice what God teaches through His Word. Before Christ, Gary didn't think about what was right or wrong. He lived in the moment and didn't care about the consequences. He knew the difference between right and wrong and he knew what the Bible said, but he didn't think it mattered. Since he focused on his relationship with Christ, God made something out of him that he never thought he could be. He became a better friend and God restored his relationships. God gave him back everything he thought he had lost to the world.

Today, Gary says,

"I'm very honored to be a part of such an amazing group of people. God's done so much for me since I decided to give everything to Him. It's unbelievable the things that you can do through Christ who gives you strength."

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