Recently I finished reading "The Iliad", and that got me thinking about how much the warriors in the story sought their own glory. A lot...
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that at one time or another, we have all struggled with forgiveness. Sometimes that's forgiving...
Testimony Time: Lincee Ray
I first heard about Lincee on an episode of "The Big Boo Cast". I later read both of her books and loved them, which made her an obvious...
Testimony Time: Amanda Shiflett (Anderson)
I know Amanda from Redeemed Ministries. She is very beautiful and loving. Amanda grew up in an amazing home. She had one sister, but when...
Testimony Time: Jamie Washburn
I know Jamie from Redeemed Ministries. He is very caring and kind. Jamie had a good early childhood. He lived in a Christian home and his...
It's the Little Things
It's the little things that make the biggest impact. Don't act to impress others. Act in love. What might seem like a small favor to you...
Testimony Time: Gary Warden
I know Gary from Redeemed Ministries. He is very humble and selfless. Gary had a rough childhood. His parents divorced when he was 10....
What does it mean to be a friend?
What does it truly mean to be a friend? For starters, think about what kind of a friend you would want. Would you rather have an honest...
What does it mean to not worry?
Is it ok to worry?
What does it mean to be the light?
What is being the light truly?